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The Syndrome of Posterior Choroidal Artery Territory Infarction
Ann Neurol 39:779-788, Neau,J.&Bogousslavsky,J., 1996
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Article Abstract
Posterior choroidal artery(PChA)territory infarcts remain the least well- known type of thalamic infarcts.Our study of 10 personal cases,selected from 2,925 stroke patients admitted consecutively to a community-based primary care center,and 10 published cases of unilateral PChA territory infarct suggests that they can often be differentiated clinically from other thalamic infarcts.Patients with PChA territory infarct associated with superficial posterior cerebral artery territory infarct or with another infarct were excluded.Damage was characteristically limited to the lateral geniculate body,pulvinar,posterior thalamus,hippo-campus,and parahippocampal gyrus,without involvement of the upper mid brain and the anterior nucleus of the thalamus.In lateral PChA territory infarct,the most common clinical manifestations included homonymous quadrantanopsia, with or without hemisensory loss and neuropsychological dysfunction(trans- cortical aphasia,memory disturbances).A homonymous horizontal sectoranopsia is exceptional but particularly suggestive of the involvement of the lateral geniculate body in this territory.Medical PChA territory infarct was less frequent.Its neurologic picture was dominated by eye movement disorders not particularly suggestive of thalamic involvement.Late disability was usually absent or slight,being related to pain and delayed abnormal movements.The most common stroke etiology was presumed small-vessel occlusive disease.
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posterior choroidal artery
thalamus,infarction of
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